*Italians don’t have an equivalent of “bring home the bacon”, but they do have something similar to the breadwinner concept of portare a casa la pagnotta, a.k.a. bring the bread home.  This idea is especially appropriate today as I am home sick and after seriously struggling with the issue, I cancelled all my lessons for today.

and it is driving me CRAZY!

It shouldn’t be.  One of the issues I need to improve on in my life as Signora Sgaramella is that I’m not single anymore and we’re a 2 income family.  The idea of not working freaks me out.  I feel lazy and unproductive and assume Francy will be disgusted by the fact that I stayed home sick.  It’s all so stupid I can’t believe that I think this.


In four years I’ve learned that I need to let Francy take care of me.  It’s not easy.  If we had a kid (well, if we had a kid I’d be miserable because you don’t get sick days with kids), I’d feel less guilty about doing nothing.  For today I have to suck it up, stop using my Sex and the City way of thinking and let Francy portare a casa la pagnotta♥.